We are a non-profit organization in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
What is the C.A.R.E. Centre? C.A.R.E., (centre d’activités récréatives et éducatives) is a non profit organization and a registered charity that provides a day program & community inclusion opportunities for adults with physical disabilities ages 21 and up who have aged out of the youth sector school system. Our Centre provides English services that are accessible to wheelchair users, those who require assistance with most activities of daily living & for those who use alternate forms of communication.
Why this population: Many of the clientele served have alternative methods of communication and do not have options of attending other programs due to lack of accessibility and complex physical and/or medical needs.
Programming: Our holistic health and wellness programs offer activities focused on physical, mental, nutritional and social needs. We offer recreational and educational activities for adults over the age of 21 with physical disabilities who require assistance with most activities of daily living (i.e. feeding, dressing, toileting), who require medication to be administered during the day, who may use a feeding tube and to those who use alternate forms of communication (i.e. nonverbal, tablets, picture boards, Bliss symbols).
Why serve ages 21+: Growing up as children with disabilities, many of our clients attended specialized schools that provided adapted educational programming and social opportunities, in addition to services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and training for communication technologies. Once they “aged out” of the system at 21 years old, parents were told that their only option for their adult children was to have them stay home. We strive to make a difference and address the need for meaningful inclusion of a marginalized population in our community.
Waiting List: The C.A.R.E. Centre will accept potential clients to a waiting list provided they meet the eligibility criteria. You can find the information under the “contact us” tab and by going to “Wait List”.
Registered Charity Number: 894179449RR0001